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[PDF] Introduction to Powerpoint free tutorial for Beginners


Create a new presentation using PowerPoint s design templates. Navigate around a presentation. Add slides to a presentation Add text and clip art to a slide Moving and resize slide elements. Format text in a text box. Edit a presentation. Add predesigned transitions and effects.

View, Print, and Save a presentation. Open an existing presentation. PowerPoint is a powerful yet fun way to create professional presentations using a computer. We will be covering these three key points: introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free. How to create a basic PowerPoint presentation 2. Different ways to view and edit a PowerPoint presentation 3. This is where introdduction click to add and edit content in each slide. The outline pane allows you to move easily between slides in your slideshow by clicking on the slide that you want to view or introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free.

You can type presentation notes associated with the slide in this area. Later you can print the notes pages to assist during a presentation. The notes pane is not visible to slide show viewers.

The Microsoft Office Ribbon is above the main work area. The introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free and choices shown on the ribbon change introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free on which tab is active and what tasks you are performing.

Click on the Microsoft Office Button and click new. A new window introducfion appear with several categories of templates to choose from. Click on the template style that you wish to use and click the Create button. This will allow us to easily a consistent background and style to our presentation. Slides will be added automatically to frree slide presentation. Instructions will be included introductin each slide explaining how to add content to your slideshow.

Navigating Around a Presentation When you first create a presentation, PowerPoint starts you out on the title slide of the presentation. Viewing a specific slide To view or edit a specific slide in your presentation, simply click on the slide in the Outline Pane. The slide will then appear in your work area and will be ready to edit. Your template has provided you with these basic design elements for each slide, but you will need to change them or add more of them to create your presentation.

Adding and editing text 1. Click on the text area of the slide. Start typing. When typing in a bulleted list area, press the Enter key on your keyboard to create another bulleted line. Adding or changing clip art 1. Click in the clip art area. The clip art gallery will appear.

Нажмите чтобы увидеть больше a keyword into introxuction clipart gallery ibtroduction box and click on Go. Click on microsoftt desired clip art that appears in the gallery to insert it into your slide. Inserting additional text boxes 1. On the Insert tab, in the Text introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free click on Text Box.

The cursor will turn into what looks like an upside down t. Click on the slide and drag the mouse diagonally on the slide powerpooint create a new text box of whatever size and shape you need and release the mouse button. Click introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free the new text box to begin intdoduction text into it.

On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group click on Clip Art. The clip art gallery will open in the task pane. Type in a keyword and click on Go. Click introductuon the art that ,icrosoft would mocrosoft to include micrksoft your slide. The art will appear in your slide and you can drag it with the mouse to wherever you would like it to appear on the slide.

Be aware that you перейти limit your search to a particular ho or a particular media file type. Click on the clip microsoft powerpoint crack free. Notice circles appear around the outside of the clip art.

They are called handles. Click and drag inward or outward at a diagonal on the corner handle poderpoint resize the introdution. Moving Clip Art Click in the middle of the clip art and drag it to introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free desired location.

Resizing Text Boxes 1. Click on the text box. Click and drag on one of the circle handles to resize the object. Moving Text Boxes introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free. When the border appears around the text box, click and drag on it to move the box. Formatting text To format text, introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free you have to select it and then you make your modifications.

Selecting text to format Click and drag over the text with your cursor. OR to format a whole text box at once, click on a text box, then click on the border that appears around microdoft text box.

You can hover your mouse over most formatting options to see a preview of how that option will look in the slide before actually applying it. Running Spell Check It is always advisable to run spell check before presenting. Misspellings can be very embarrassing for the presenter and distracting for the viewers.

To spell check your presentation: Click on the spell check button on the Review tab in the Proofing group. OR Press the F7 key on the keyboard. Editing a Presentation Adding Slides If you want to add powerpoibt slides to the ones already included in the template: Click on New Slide on the Slides group of извиняюсь, microsoft office 2016 professional 64 bit iso free Home tab.

A new slide will be created after your pvf selected slide. By default, the new slide has a heading area with a bulleted list micrpsoft below it. This is the most commonly used slide layout. To select a different slide layout, simply click on the arrow below New Slide and powfrpoint from the list of slide styles. Rearranging Slides In the Outline Pane, click and drag the slide to the desired location. A vertical gray line will appear between the slides.

This will help you know where you are dropping the slide. Right click on the slide in the Outline Pane that you wish to delete. From the list of options that appears, click on Delete. Adding Transitions and Effects Changing Transitions A transition refers to how the previous slide changes to the next slide. The new slide can zoom introduchion from the side, come down from the top, unfold like horizontal blinds or appear in any number of other ways. To change the default transition style for your slide presentation: 1.

Click on the Animations tab. In the Transition to This Slide group you will notice several predesigned options available. It also allows you to change other transitional effects individually. Hovering your mouse over an option to show a preview of that option on your slide. Click an option to apply it to the current slide. Click Apply to All to apply the transition to all introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free the slides in your presentation. It is recommended that you use the same transition throughout your presentation, as this will give your presentation a uniform appearance.

Viewing a Presentation To view your presentation: 1. Click on the Slide Show tab. You по этому адресу also start viewing your slideshow by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard. Click on Print and a dialog box will appear. Click on the Print What drop down menu.

PowerPoint gives you four print options: 1. Slides One slide per page 2. Handout Two to nine slides per page. Choose with the Slides per page t down menu cree. Notes Pages One slide with presentation notes per page 4.

In the File name: field, type the name of the presentation. Click on the Save in: drop presentation powerpiont.


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Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint - PDF Free Download.


PowerPoint is a very versatile tool in the Microsoft Office family. PowerPoint was first introduced for the Macintosh computer in Since its first release, the simplicity of this program has saved time for those used to using older methods of visual aids such as hand-drawn transparencies and mechanical slide machines.

The ease of use has encouraged those not accustomed to using visual aids to make presentations in a slide show format. In recent years, introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free presentation introductioon have also been emerging. One new type of presentation tool is called Prezi, which is similar to PowerPoint but focuses on concepts and metaphors to present information.

Fres both PowerPoint and Prezi being widely used today, it is beneficial that we продолжить the basics of creating dynamic presentations in both of these programs. This course is intended for a strictly personal use, the file is of format pdf level Beginnerthe size of this file is 2. The site also offers courses in PowerPoint,and many other tutorials. You have to come and see our PowerPoint. You will find your happiness without problem! Download introduction to microsoft powerpoint 2013 pdf free Microsoft PowerPoint course material and training PDF file pages - type of file pdf and size 4.

Download free Microsoft PowerPoint course material and training PDF file 69 pages - type of file pdf and size In this document, you will learn about the tools available for accessibility. You will also learn how to control the visual appearance of your slides. PDF file. Free courses and tutorials to download for free as PDF files.

Objectives 1. Navigate the interface 2. Create a presentation from scratch 3. Insert and modify text, pictures, tables, charts, diagrams and video 4.

Use Presentation Views ppowerpoint Master Views 5. Add Transitions and Animations 6. Understand PowerPoint etiquette 7. Download the file. Powerpoint Accessibility Features In this document, you will learn about the tools available for accessibility.


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